The next step was to pick a medium. It needed to be something most everyone has access to and is free. I decided upon a website since most people have internet access and a device with which to navigate to a webpage. I considered an app, but that would be OS-exclusive and cuts out people without smartphones.
The next question was how to let people know what type of pet was best for them. The solution I arrrived at was to create an interactive quiz that would allow people to get a result tailored to the inputs they made.
I then proceeded to mindmap everything this website and quiz would need to contain. I considered who would navigate here, what concerns they might have, what they would be looking to learn, and what tools they would need to have.
I mindmapped the quiz and what considerations should be made regarding the questions. I eventually settled on 5 main categories the quiz would provide questions on: finance, home life, time, physical state, and personality.
I then composed a spreadsheet containing all the proposed questions, which can be found here. In this quiz, each response a user makes changes the path they are on in receiving their personalized result. Ideally, this quiz will feature all questions in the spreadsheet while utilizing a wide variety of animal types as possible results.