Petsonality's success would be measured through how pleased people feel with their quiz results and how informed they feel after examining their animal sheet. The current version of Petsonality aims to achieve this on a smaller scale.
If Petsonality is doing its job, users feel engaged in navigating through the site and are presented with information in an easily digestable way with clear text hierarchy.
The ideal version of Petsonality would include a quiz utilizing all 34 written quiz questions and all 19 animal types. By having a much more in-depth quiz, users are more able to get a result that closely matches their lifestyle. More animal options also means more close matches since like every person, every animal is different.
Petsonality isn't meant to be a site that prescribes you a pet for any mental illness you may have. It's only to be taken as advice or just something fun to know. It serves to help users understand that there is a pet they can care for that can care for them, too.
Petsonality features links to external websites because it's not meant to house all the answers, but rather to get you to start asking the right questions, all while guiding you to where you may find those answers.
In the modern world we live in, we have readily available resources to aid people dealing with mental illness. Pet ownership is proven to correlate with positive psychological and physiological measures. Pet options exist for people in a variety of living situations, and pet owners have received therapeutic benefits from their pets for a variety of mental illnesses. These pet owners overwhelmingly agree that most people can emotionally benefit from having a pet, and yet many of these non-pet owners are missing out on the therapeutic benefits of pet ownership. Petsonality seeks to target this group of people and create a platform for them to discover what pet best fits their living situation, what the inputs are, and what benefits it would provide.